Mike Fedel, ADHD Coach
Life Coaching for adults with ADHD and those that live with us
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Mike's Favorites
Annual International ADHD Conference Talent Show. Talent Show Playlist (acts Mike was involved in). [video] watch
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The CG Brothers on YouTube. I Am An Alien. [video] watch
- a fun and thought-provoking video suggested by my friend Scott
Hank Green. The Golden Gate Bridge Didn't Collapse! [video] watch
- not exactly ADHD-related (Hank certainly has ADHD), but a wonderful meditation on the Good Things in life we take for granted. A helpful antidote on my RSD days.
William Dodson. Emotional Regulation and Rejection Sensitivity. [RSD] read
- I am fairly certain this was the "public debut" of the term Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria in CHADD's magazine Attitude.
William Dodson. New Insights Into Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. [RSD] read
- this is a more recent article by Dr. Dobson. From July 2024's edition of ADDitude.
Ned Hallowell. Life Is Too Short for Shame. [shame/RSD] read
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Jaak Panksepp. Can PLAY Diminish ADHD and Facilitate the Construction of the Social Brain? [development/socialization (Academic paper-2007)] read
- while this article is primarily research on and for kids, I believe it points to the possibility that adults can use more playtime too.
Books - ADHD
Ned Hallowell and John Ratey. Driven to Distraction. buy
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Ned Hallowell and John Ratey. ADHD 2.0. buy
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Kate Kelly and Peggy Raimundo. You mean I’m not lazy, stupid, or crazy? buy
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Barkley, Russell. Taking Charge of ADHD. buy
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Thom Hartmann. ADHD: A Hunter in a Farmer's World. buy
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Eli J. Finkel. The All-or-Nothing Marriage: How the Best Marriages Work. buy
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Comorbidities - misc
Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder: OCPD Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment. [ADDitude Magazine-Aug, 2023] [OCPD/ADHD] read
Samuel R Chamberlain, et.al. Impact of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) symptoms in Internet users. [NIH-Aug, 2017] [OCPD/OCD/ADHD] read
- While this study is not directly related to ADHD, it does mention that "OCPD symptoms were significantly associated with" ADHD.
Podcasts - misc
William Dodson (guest on ADHD Experts podcast) Episode 204- How ADHD Shapes Your Perceptions, Emotions & Motivation. listen
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Cassie Mogilner Holmes (guest), Shankar Vedantam (host). Hidden Brain: Taking Control of Your Time. listen
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Relationships - Information and Tools
Eve Rodsky. The Fair Play Deck: A Couple's Conversation Deck for Prioritizing What's Important. [Tools.] visit website
- Several members of the Non-ADHD Partner have recommended the Fair Play card deck as a really useful tool in negotiating household tasks in ADHD-impacted households.
GUEST: William Dodson, M.D. ADHD Experts Podcast: Episode 204- How ADHD Shapes Your Perceptions, Emotions & Motivation. listen
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Self-Assessment and Growth
SITE: Gallup. Strengthfinder tool. visit
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SITE: VIA. VIA Strengthfinder tool. visit
- This strength survey crosses 24 areas and ranks them for you. What I like most about it is that they are not written as "strengths and weaknesses", just relative strengths.
Support - where to find it
SITE: WebMD. List of ADHD Support Organizations. visit
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Videos - misc
The CG Brothers on YouTube. I Am An Alien. watch
- a fun and thought-provoking video suggested by my friend Scott
Russell Barkley. Masking and Adult ADHD [2024]. watch
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Russell Barkley. Trevor Noah describes his ADHD [2024]. watch
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Dr. John Kruse. Confusing Narcissism and ADHD. [July 2023]. watch
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Videos - Shame / Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
Being Well Podcast. ADHD: Sensitivity, Shame, and Self-Acceptance with Jessica McCabe. watch
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How to ADHD. How to Deal with Rejection Sensitivity. watch
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